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Your Trusted Training Partner in Healthcare

Our services


Physician Practice Contract & Operations Guidance

Individualized guidance specific to medical practices scope and procurement of Medicare and ACA contracts and overall practice operations and marketing..

Private Consultation for Individuals seeking health coverage

Personalized advice to your healthcare needs and wants. Assistance in applying for and assistance with every type of healthcare options available, including but not limited to Medicare, Medicaid, Long Term Care and Individual Coverage.

Health Insurance Agency Development & Operations

Our staff is licensed and certified. We are available to assist your agency and producers with live, one-call resolution including technical and in-agent appointment support, as well as guidance around how to set up your agency for sustained growth.

Lead Generation Support and Guidance

We provide customized lead generation programs taking advantage of existing clients, and prospects from your community. We can provide your agency with a customized marketing plan including customized generic and/or carrier branded materials.

Stay current, stay ahead

Connect with us for expert guidance and personalized support